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What if I told you, “Your Child could learn how to Play the Piano effortlessly just by playing a Video Game?"

Watch the Video, Then Read Below . . . We'll Show You the Keys to Unlock Your Child's Musical Future (Even If You Think They're Too Young to Play Music).



No Worries. Our Offer Comes with Full 60 Day Money-Back Guarantee!

Dear Parent or Grandparent, I want to introduce you to a piano learning system that has changed the lives of tens of thousands of children and families. Kids who once struggled to learn to play the piano are now playing fluently.
Many have learned to read and memorize music. Even more are playing songs that range from today's favorites all the way to Bach and Beethoven. All because of a piano video game that's affordable, fun to play, and amazingly simple. If you haven't watched the video above, please do. Then read the benefits in store for your children, ranging from superior brain development to life-changing music proficiency that will take them as far as they want to go. Once you see how quickly their lives change as they're introduced to music and start playing the piano through this simple system, you will never be more proud of them.

With Our Amazing Music Video Game Learning System Your Child Will Play the Piano

Every parent wants their children to succeed. You want them to grow, prosper, and get all they can from life. Even from inside the womb, children are influenced by music. As they grow, music has huge impacts on their growing development in language, math, spatial skills, and many other crucial cognitive functions. In fact, studies have proven that playing a musical instrument literally expands a child's brain, giving them a greater capacity for learning! Kids who play a musical instrument:

checkmark Get better grades

checkmark Experience dramatic improvements in math, reading, and comprehension skills (often as high as 30 to 40%)

checkmark Earn higher SAT scores

checkmark Have higher IQs, and

checkmark Show sharper concentration, more attention to detail, and greater discipline to stick with a task.


What parent wouldn't want that for their kids? The truth is most all children want to learn music. But they think they're not talented, or fear it's too hard and requires too much work. Remember when you were a child, and practice was so boring, repetitive, and torturous that you finally just gave up? What if there were a simple and engaging learning system, where children of any age could learn how to play the piano in minutes, and enjoy the benefits of a lifetime of music? What if practicing were fun and even addictive, with instant feedback and rewards, all in the form of a video game?


Introducing Piano Wizard!

With the Piano Wizard Academy video game learning system, you can help your child learn to play in minutes and enjoy all the wondrous benefits of music.
Your kids won't even think of it as "piano lessons" or "practicing." They'll think of it as the most fun video game they've ever played and won't want to stop! You'll be amazed at their enthusiasm as they keep learning new songs, all while you sit back, watching their talent grow, and marveling in all the ways in which music is enhancing their brains.
Imagine this: your child has never once even touched a piano keyboard, yet he or she can suddenly play an entire melody by one of today's artists in minutes. Students of Piano Wizard have done all this and more.
Even if your kids have tried and failed with other teachers or lesson-based learning systems, they'll fall in love with Piano Wizard the very first time they play! It's all possible, just from playing a video game.
With Piano Wizard, kids are playing music instantly! It works like a charm. No tears! No drama! Just fun and success from the very first note! It's so easy, it's like "training wheels for the piano." Piano Wizard is not just a game, it's an entire piano learning system. Along with the award-winning software, it comes complete with:
✔ 200 songs of varying levels, from a two-note song all the way to Beethoven's 5th
✔ 100 bonus Christian hymns inside the Piano Wizard Academy community
✔ A piano curriculum covering a full 2 years of a child's instruction
✔ Over 50 DVD lessons
✔ 5 books of sheet music
✔ A professional deluxe keyboard (not a toy keyboard, but one that makes them feel like a real musician!)
✔ The ability to add in more music for the rest of your life

The beauty of this system is that it not only teaches your child how to play a song, but to read the musical notes as well! Our patented four-step method follows an effortless path from playing the melody in minutes to reading the actual musical notes. After the fourth step, kids can't wait to sit down at a real piano and play the same song, giving them a deep sense of accomplishment.

Why does the Piano Wizard system work so well so quickly? It's uniquely designed to follow the same pattern of natural language learning we all experience as a child: first we speak, then we learn to read the words we've already been speaking, then we learn grammar. With Piano Wizard, first we play, then we learn to read the notes we've already been playing, then we learn the theory and harmony (the "grammar" of music).

piano wizard four steps

4 Step Music Learning Method

The over 50 DVD lessons that come with the package are piano lessons on video for the very same songs in the game! They encompass the heart and soul of the theory (or "grammar") behind each song. Once your child has progressed through the four steps of a particular song, he or she can then grab the appropriate sheet music (we provide five books worth of music for songs in the game), and play on a real piano!
How many other musical video games can have kids playing on a real instrument so quickly and so easily?
But Piano Wizard's not just for your child, it's for you, too! We purposely designed the game to be a family activity, by including songs made for duets and lessons you learn together. Parents tell us that playing a song along with their children is the best bonding experience they've ever had. We have thousands and thousands and thousands of happy families.
Actually, since the introduction of Piano Wizard, we have touched over 250,000 lives. Yes, over a quarter of a million people have purchased and used Piano Wizard to bring the joy of music into their families and to play songs together. In fact, our system of learning to play the piano so effortlessly has already earned hundreds of awards and endorsements from the press and public alike, and allows children of all ages to play with poise, confidence, satisfaction, and fun!
And you can download any of the countless music files online and learn them in the game, including that song you have ALWAYS dreamed of playing. That vision of playing the piano will finally come true! It’s astounding to realize that a piano teaching video game can have such an impact on any child who wants to play the piano in that short of time, but it’s true. The fact is with Piano Wizard your child will learn to play the piano. We guarantee it.

I just had to write and say THANK YOU! I installed the program last night. Today is Saturday and my kids (12 and 11 years old) are still in their pajamas. They had been playing Piano wizard all morning. They have already mastered song 10! And I have to tell you that it is so much fun that I have been playing too.

I was worried about the transition to the real piano but (you will laugh at this) I called my friend and put the phone on “speaker phone” so I could play for her. I have no music background at all and it was a breeze! My friend was most impressed. She is coming over next week to try it out. Yay!! Finally a music program that works. We LOVE it!! Thanks so much.

The Uling Family, Just one of the Thousands of Satisfied Piano Wizard Families

Kids Today Really Want to Play Music

The-Joy-of-Music-300x216Every kid today harbors that burning desire to be a musician! You don’t have to look too far to see that music-based reality shows are a part of our culture. Shows like The Voice, America’s Got Talent, American Idol, Nashville Star, and Rising Star have motivated kids everywhere to try their hand at following in the same footsteps.

Playing music is part of every child’s dream. When a child learns to play music effectively, it provides a huge boost to their confidence and self-esteem. It improves their social skills and gives them a deep feeling of accomplishment.

The only thing holding them back is their fear of failure and boring practice. But with Piano Wizard, that's all in the past. Now kids can easily learn at their own pace, and have enormous fun the entire time!

Pre-School Ages on Up are Learning with Piano Wizard



Imagine sitting down with your 3-year-old and playing a duet on the piano. With Piano Wizard it's possible even on the first day! Music provides a wonderful bonding experience for the entire family, and your kids will treasure the time they spend with you.

Worried you'll have to nag them to practice? They'll be nagging you to play with them more! And because the system follows the same natural method we use to learn language, they'll keep improving at their own speed as you watch their talent grow and their self-confidence expand. All the while, Piano Wizard keeps giving you instant feedback on their progress and what steps to take next.

Worried they'll quickly outgrow the game? Piano Wizard was designed to last a lifetime. You start by learning a simple melody and progressing through the four steps. Want more? Increase the tempo as much as you like. Want more? Add on more tracks to the song until you're playing full chords and with both hands. Already learned all 200 songs in the game, or want to learn a favorite of your own?

Go on the Internet and download any of the literally millions of songs (called "MIDI" files) that are there. Add them into the game and you're ready to roll! There will always be more music to learn, and you can never outgrow Piano Wizard.

My children got their Piano Wizard during the holidays. My daughter (9) says 'It’s amazing. Too good for words.' She has progressed to song no.6 and has shown unbelievable tenacity in practicing. We had tried to teach her piano from home before, using the Bastien books, but it just didn’t get off the ground. Now, after only 6 songs on Piano Wizard, she is able to go to her Bastien book and open to a page she has not seen before, and start playing. I am SO PLEASED.

My son (7) is on song no.4. He is doing brilliantly, and picks up the tunes easily. This morning, for example, he started Song no. 3, level 1 at 8am. By 9am, I had given him his star for Level 5! He really can do it when he wants to.

Thank you for making it such fun. I am especially grateful that the practicing with the accompaniment is so easy on the parent’s ears. I have not yet asked the children to 'give it a break please' because I had heard enough.

I love all the features, like tempo control, the different backgrounds, and the ability to adjust the volume of accompaniment, so the main tune can be heard more easily. THANK YOU A THOUSAND TIMES!

Jenny, A Mother of Another Very Happy Piano Wizard Family

piano wizard autism approved

Why Parents of Special Needs Kids Have Embraced Us

When we first developed the game, we knew it was something magical, but we had no idea it would have such astounding effects on special needs children. We started receiving amazing testimonials from grateful parents and teachers in the special needs community about how even the most severely-afflicted kids were responding to the game.

Piano Wizard has been enjoyed by kids with autism, Cerebral Palsy, Down's Syndrome, and other mentally - and physically - challenged youngsters. The truth is, music is a universal language, and can be understood and enjoyed by those who otherwise have difficulty interacting with the outside world.

Jed's story is one that has to be told. Watch and learn about his family's remarkable journey with Piano Wizard.

Special needs families have enthusiastically endorsed Piano Wizard because learning music has helped their kids grow and expand in ways never thought possible until now. You may not have a child with special needs, but just understanding the impact Piano Wizard has had on these children will give you a glimpse into what our piano learning system can do for you and your child's development.

If Piano Wizard can do this for special needs kids, imagine what it can do for your child.

Let's Really Talk about Practice (Yikes!)

Many of us who ever took piano lessons experienced the hours and hours of grueling, endless practice. Remember? It was daunting! So daunting, in fact, that we finally gave it up (and then bitterly regretted that decision years later).

We all agree that practice is a must to becoming a skilled musician. And learning to enjoy your practice is the key to mastery. But how can you enjoy something so repetitive and dull?

Piano Wizard's unique method has the look and feel of a cool video game while the kids are actually learning real-life piano skills! The game has almost endless customizability (change the background, change the game character, change the tempo, change the level, change the tracks, change the song, etc., etc.), so practice never ever becomes tiring! Have your child play the same melody five times, each with different characters and backgrounds. You'll know it's really hidden practice, but they'll think they're playing a new game each time!

And let's not forget about scores!

Of course, we all know that scores encompass that be-all, end-all goal for any child playing a video game. At the end of each song, Piano Wizard gives you a score and a huge round of unconditional applause. If your child receives anything other than a perfect score, they'll want to play it again immediately! (Translation: more practice.) If they do receive a perfect score, they'll want to try it again faster! (Translation: more practice.) Once they've mastered the melody, they'll want to add on the left hand! (Translation: more practice.) Then on to the next song, and acquiring that next perfect score.

The genius of Piano Wizard's method lies in its sneaky approach of adding in all the gaming elements that kids love most! (After all, what child can resist a fun video game that never ends?)

As we've been told, "Its simplicity is pure genius"

Piano Wizard removes the barriers of practice and puts the video game element into the equation. Modern piano teachers LOVE it, because it’s like "training wheels for the piano." They use Piano Wizard to get kids to read, learn, and play in record time, and enjoy the fun of practicing. The teachers then focus on teaching the art of music, and let the game help kids with the mechanics in a fun and simple way.

As they practice, they'll learn to play the song first, and then to read the musical notes naturally. The DVDs help them learn the theory, and the sheet music helps them play on a real piano. They'll be learning everything from folk songs, to modern rock, the classics, and more.

But most importantly, they'll be proud of themselves.
And you'll be proud of them, too.

Hi, we received Piano Wizard about 2 weeks ago. We set up and began "lessons" immediately. We’re teaching our 5 youngest sons, aged 6 to 12. We practice every day, one on one, each "student" playing at least 15 minutes per day. When lesson time comes around I only hear good things, like "yes." No complaining, no tears.

They are progressing rapidly and I’m learning piano myself. We hope this positive attitude continues! Thanks for an interesting, child-friendly piano course. The very best part is being able to teach at home.

Jim, a Proud Father and Amazingly Satisfied Parent of a Piano Wizard Student

Piano Wizard is Remarkably Affordable

Wait until you hear about the savings you’ll enjoy with Piano Wizard.

Let's say that piano lessons in your area cost $20 per week. (Yes, we know many of you pay a lot more, but we'll start conservatively.) Even at that modest price, you'll spend well over $1000 in one year, and over $2500 in two years!

And that's just lessons for one child. How much will you save when the whole family can learn together? How much will you save when the kids love to practice, and continually keep advancing? How much will you save when the kids regularly download new music year after year, and you realize that they're getting piano lessons for life?

There's no question that this amounts to thousands and thousands of dollars in savings, and hours and hours of family fun. In fact, the cost for the entire Piano Wizard Academy learning system (for a lifetime of musical enjoyment for the entire family and superior brain development) is just $397!

claim piano wizard academy now

But It's Not Just for the Kids

Don't forget that Piano Wizard is for you as well!

Perhaps you’ve always harbored a secret desire to play the piano. Perhaps you actually did when you were young, but were scared off by a mean teacher or the pressures of boring and dull practicing.

Piano Wizard is just as exciting for adults as it is for kids! We've had countless parents buy the game so that they can learn alongside their children. We’ve even seen adults and seniors burst into tears the minute they realize that all the barriers are gone and they can finally play.

Yes, seniors, too! Many new neuroplasticity studies indicate that learning an instrument can have an important impact on delaying or preventing dementia in later years. It also helps memory and cognition, and relaxes the heart rate.
And if that's not enough, take advantage of our generous 60-Day Money-Back Guarantee to try it for yourself!

We believe music should be a birthright for every age. That's why with one low price, your entire household can enjoy a lifetime of music.

Who Loves and Endorses Piano Wizard?

For starters: professional musicians, music teachers and professors, songwriters, singers, educators, administrators, parents, grandparents, and all the kids who’ve ever played the game. And our list of endorsements and testimonials continues to grow.


Kudos from the Press and the Media

media buttons

Worshiper Magazine:
"Piano Wizard is a revolutionary teaching platform that is changing the way kids learn piano."

Keyboard Magazine:
"The transition between levels is so clever that you don't realize how much you're really learning."

IN Tune Magazine:
"Did you ever think a video game could teach you piano? The stuff it teaches is valuable for all ages."

Raising Digital Kids:
"The research is indisputable. Kids who play music perform better in school. Piano Wizard is a nice way to introduce students to making music and offer them a quick, rewarding experience."

Computer Times Editors Choice Award:
"During our testing, adults and children were captivated by this piano learning system. All of the children and one of the adults were playing a piano keyboard for the first time in their lives.

"As a musician who endured long and boring piano lessons in my youth, I was amazed at the amount of practice and determination the Piano Wizard encouraged from each of the children. Knowing the hyperactivity level and limited attention span of some of the kids added to my astonishment.

"Seldom do we find a product as exciting as Piano Wizard. If we had medals to award along with our Editor's Choice award, I would certainly present Piano Wizard with the gold medal. Hats off to everyone involved in its design. It doesn't get any better than this."

Future Music Magazine:
"This could be the teaching system of the future."


It's Time for Your Child to Learn Music

Piano Wizard's breakthrough technology can give anyone the gift of being able to play a musical instrument in a truly fun and simple fashion. Even you!

Sit back right now, and imagine your household filled with music and the gleeful giggles of happy kids. "Mom! I got 100%!" "Dad! Listen to this!" "Come play with me!" That's what you get when you bring Piano Wizard into your home.

It’s time for the lives of you and your children to be filled with music, and to learn a skill that will last a lifetime.

Purchase Piano Wizard right now and pay only $397, plus shipping and handling.

claim piano wizard academy now

Using PayPal Credit, you can pay it off in 6 months at about $16 a week, a whole lot less than your cost of average piano lessons. Within a few short days, you and your child will already be playing some beginner songs, on your way to popular hits and even the classics.

Getting together with family or friends for the holidays? Imagine their surprise when your child serenades them with some songs on the piano! Buy it now and you and your child can conspire together, secretly preparing a surprise for the rest of the family! Piano Wizard is all you need to create some heartfelt memories and enjoy a holiday you'll remember for years and years to come.

It's never too late to start learning to play. Piano Wizard is the ultimate gift to help your child's brain development, self-esteem, and deep sense of accomplishment. Our mission is to help kids learn to play far better, easier, and faster than any other method. And we’re proving it every day.


Give Your Child the Gift of Music with Piano Wizard

The Piano Wizard Academy comes complete with:

✔ The award-winning video game software
✔ 200 songs of varying levels, from a two-note song all the way to Beethoven's 5th
✔ 100 bonus Christian hymns via the Piano Wizard community
✔ A piano curriculum covering a full 2 years of a child's instruction
✔ Over 50 DVD lessons
✔ 5 books of sheet music
✔ A professional deluxe keyboard

The keyboard that comes with Piano Wizard is not a toy, but a real keyboard that makes them feel like a real musician!

In addition to the songs already packaged in the game, you can find an enormous variety of more music in the online Piano Wizard community's library to purchase and download. Currently there are hundreds to choose from and we’re adding more all the time. This ability to add in more music of your own choosing truly makes Piano Wizard a music learning system for life. All of this with a no-risk, no-hassle, 100% unconditional, 60-day money back guarantee.

Once your child begins to play with poise, confidence, and satisfaction, you'll want to shoot a video and let us see what they’ve done! We’d love to see their progress and post it on our Piano Wizard YouTube channel.

You and your family can be a part of our goal for universal music literacy. Get Piano Wizard now and unlock your child’s musical future. It will change his or her life in ways you cannot possibly imagine. Or maybe you already have.

Here's Exactly What You Get with Piano Wizard

  • The Award-Winning Piano Wizard Game Software
  • 200 Songs of Varying Levels, from a Two-Note Song all the way to Beethoven's 5th
  • 100 bonus Christian Hymns via the Piano Wizard Community
  • A Piano Curriculum Covering a Full Two Years of a Child's Instruction
  • Over 50 DVD Lessons
  • Five Books of Sheet Music
  • A Professional Deluxe Keyboard (Not a toy keyboard, but one that makes them feel like a real musician!)
  • And finally, You Get Lifetime Access to the Online Piano Wizard Academy Community, with Hundreds of Music Files to Download and Learn in the Game. Browse around to discover even more bonuses to delight the entire family.


Still Not Sure?

60 day money back guaranteeNo Worries. The Piano Wizard Video Game Learning System Comes With A Full, No Risk, No Hassle, Rock Solid, 60 Day Money Back Guarantee.

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For U.S. Customers only: PayPal® Credit (formerly Bill Me Later) offers Piano Wizard Academy customers a safe, quick and inexpensive payment plan. If qualified, you can pay off the Piano Wizard Academy in 6 months for as little as $16 a week, cheaper than piano lessons for just one child! Or enjoy 6 months of NO payments or interest. As long as you complete the total amount in 6 months, you’ll pay ZERO interest. Save THOUSANDS in just the first two years over traditional lessons, much more if you have more than one child. Pretty good deal!

Simply choose PayPal during checkout and once transferred to PayPal, select PayPal Credit as payment option and apply.

We're ready to prove everything we claim. Get Piano Wizard for Your Family!, and try it out for a full 60 DAYS. Play with your child, play alone, or play with a friend. Learn five or ten new songs. If the Piano Wizard does not live up to any the claims stated here, I don't want to keep your money, and will give you back every penny. No hassles and we can part as friends. 100% Money-Back Guarantee.

I look forward to hearing your Piano Wizard story about how music influences and changes your child's life. We can't wait to see and hear your beautiful child playing music with the help of Piano Wizard. Please stay in touch and send us videos.


Chris Salter Sig




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