Early Music Lessons Boost Brain Development February 12, 2013 — Musical training before the age of seven has a significant effect on the development of the brain, showing that those who began early had stronger connections between motor regions -- the parts of ......
May 9, 2012 — After completing the first study of its kind, researchers have discovered that very early musical training benefits children even before they can walk or talk. They found that one-year-old babies who ... > full story
The popular myth is that kids learn music faster than adults. But is it actually true? We have seen children "catch on" to Piano Wizard faster than many adults, but that is most likely due to the fact that they are pretty adept at playing video games. But does that...
Mario Ajero discusses when to start piano lessons for children and the benefits derived from starting children's study at an early age. How old should they be? How do you determine they're ready? Mario also discusses the personal musical journey that his son, Antonio...