Can I use Piano Wizard Academy as part of our child’s homeschool music curriculum?

Piano Wizard is a great choice for anyone 3 years and older.

Considering that piano lesson attrition rate can be as high as 80%, the first 2 years are critical to the student's chance of success.
That's why we want to give our children the best chance of succeeding at learning music.  We do that by making fun, natural, and effective.  Piano Wizard does just that.

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Core homeschool studies are always a priority, but electives such as music and the arts should be a part of any homeschooling curriculum.  However. many home school parents overlook a music curriculum.  It's not because they don’t believe it is important, but because they feel ill-equipped to teach such a large (and seemingly daunting) subject.

With Piano Wizard Academy, problem solved. You CAN have your cake and eat it too!


The Academy’s Video and Songbook lessons teach parents and grandparents to mentor their children and grandchildren in how to move to the next levels of the game, while learning to play music along with the students.

Of course musical experience helps, but a loving heart combined with the Piano Wizard Academy is enough to give them a firm foundation and open the doors permanently to a lifelong musical journey.


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