When you are deciding what extracurricular activities to enroll your children in, music may already be at the top of your list, but there are definitely some reasons that learning to play an instrument is good for everyone that you may not have thought of. Did you know that knowing how to play an instrument can make you a better driver?
Attention to Detail
Let's face it: musicians are often perfectionists. The amount of attention to detail required to make music may be helping you while on the road, though! Musicians focus on nuance in interpretation, performance, and concentration while performing, and these are all characteristics that translate well to operating a vehicle. Driving requires that one stay focused on many different aspects of the trip, not dissimilar from music. The amount of concentration musicians naturally apply to playing music can be directly applied to driving! And, if something goes wrong while on the road, fast reactions to accidents and nuances are what not only successful drivers but also skilled musicians!
It's been proven that singing in the car while driving decreases your chances of falling asleep and vastly improves your automobile performance. According to Craig Swapp, drowsy driving is one of the top causes of car accidents, and it can be just as dangerous as driving drunk, so anything that helps you stay awake is plus. It's been reported that 63% of the safest drivers believe listening to music calms them down and they feel more relaxed, eventually leading to safer, slower road trips.
Positive Concentration
In the end, while nobody is required to be a musician before learning how to drive, a lot of the characteristics that make up the personality of a good musician just so happen to also be aspects of car technique that promote safety on the road. Staying concentrated, focused, and being able to adapt to any situation means that one can control their car during dangerous weather, make informed decisions, and many other positive benefits.
However, the most important benefit is also quite apparent: becoming a better driver will undoubtedly help your life last longer as you'll keep yourself and others safe while on the road. Your reaction time is better and more sound than those who could not play instruments. The cognitive function will keep you safe as a driver. As a parent, you want your kids and your car safe, so music may be a great way that you haven’t thought of to increase those chances.
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