Piano Wizard is a critically acclaimed piano learning software video game that helps children (and adults ) learn how to play piano and read music. The secret behind this game is the 4-step method that turns the game into a music learning system. What starts out as a full color video game (kind of like Space Invaders) ingeniously transitions into black and white sheet music.

While Piano Wizard is without a doubt very effective, one needs to ask if it can replace a qualified music teacher. First we need a little history.

Chris Salter first discovered the concept when learning how to type. Salter felt the lessons were frustrating until he played a typing game, and soon he was typing 40 words per minute. It dawned on him that a piano video game could have the same effect. After years of consideration, Salter decided to form a business to develop and manufacture the game.

But it wasn't until Salter reunited with his former college professor Don Beattie that the game reached the next level. Beattie was so fascinated with the game that together, with his wife Delayna, introduced a Piano Wizard boot camp. The Beatties created a series of 100 lessons using the game and tested the entire system in this boot camp. The camp was a huge success. Piano Wizard Academy was born. The Academy became an accredited college course at Southern Illinois University and is still taught there today.

The course was reproduced with DVD videos and sheet music books, and incorporated in the Piano Wizard Academy package now being sold online and through various resellers.

So we're back to the original question - can Piano Wizard replace a traditional music teacher?

Piano Wizard Academy can only go so far as there are many intricacies in playing the piano. (technique, fingering, foot pedals, etc ). However, after graduating from the Academy (completing the lessons) the student will be far better prepared to continue studies and eventually master the piano. Reading music and playing will be more natural.

When a piano teacher incorporates the Piano Wizard method into their own teaching curriculum, many find that their students learn faster, have a better grasp at music theory, and have more fun. And having fun is a great way to get children to practice.

Salter's mission is NOT to replace teachers, but to feed more students into the system and provide teachers with more students than they can handle.

So far so good.

Learn more about the academy at PianoWizardAcademy.com

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