Although most high school students want to become better students, the balancing act between academics and social life, along with peer pressure, can make the road to success a tricky one. Thankfully, with the help of music, students can actually tap into a world of unlocked potential that will help them to become much better students and have richer, fuller lives. Music is so powerful that it can help students to focus better, reduce anxiety, and create more meaningful connections.

Music Encourages Better Focus

Without the ability to focus it is extremely difficult for high schoolers to get through their increasingly rigorous academic workload. The beauty of music is that it has the power to unlock your focus.

The University of Birmingham, England conducted studies that show how effective music is in raising efficiency in work that is repetitive. Music sometimes helps clear the mind, allows for deeper and more creative focus, and can also assist in helping us to be more productive. With a clearer focus, students may be more successful academically, while also having the mental clarity to make better choices.

Music Helps Reduce Anxiety

Students often experience pressure and anxiety when taking tests. Midterms and final exams are definitely stressful and increase a student’s anxiety both during study time, and leading up to the actual test.

One way to help your teen is to train their mind to relax by putting on calming music while studying for exams. Music such as classical or spa music is known to have a calming effect on the mind and can, in turn, affect the mood directly. Depending on the kind of music, studies show that music can release dopamine, a neurotransmitter responsible for the brain’s reward and pleasure center.Students who play musical instruments can also use this method to reduce stress and anxiety and use playing as an outlet. Something as simple as playing piano can help with memory loss, increase cognition, and wire the brain for better memorization.

Music Helps Us Make Deeper Social Connections

High schoolers are under a lot of pressure and often turn to their peers for emotional support. Finding compatible social outlets is an important milestone for high school students. Interestingly, music is said to strengthen the bonds people have and can help deepen feelings of empathy between other people.  

Especially important is finding commonalities such as connecting with peers who are fans of the same music groups and have similar tastes in music. Teens who are able to make these social connections around music often find a deeper bond between one another. As Connections Academy for K-12 education points out, college may send senior students in different directions, but having these important bonds can help them in the transition to higher education. Attending concerts together, singing in a music ensemble, or practicing in an orchestra or band can bring students together and help them form a special connection.

We know that music is a powerful force which can help high schoolers become better students. When we allow high school students to integrate music into their world it can have a significant impact by helping them to focus better academically, make better choices, reduce test-taking anxiety, and create more meaningful connections with their peers.

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