Jan here (from the PWA team). There's been a lot of talk about how music helps you learn better, get better grades in school, yadda yadda yadda. But the truth is, sometimes it just plain makes you *feel* better, and handle the stresses of everyday life. Check this out:

• Kids who participate in school band or orchestra have the lowest levels of current and lifelong use of alcohol, tobacco, and illicit drugs among any group in our society. (US Senate)

• Music in schools has shown a direct connection to greater camaraderie, fewer fights, less racism, reduced use of hurtful sarcasm, and less aggression (Arts With the Brain in Mind/Empathy, Arts and Social Studies).

And, one of my all-time favorites:
• During moments of musical euphoria, blood in the brain travels to areas that produce feelings of contentment and joy, and away from areas associated with depression and fear! (AMC Music News)

Pachelbel's Canon can give me a musical euphoria. What does it do for you?

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